Sunday, March 4, 2012

Windows 8 turns shutting down your PC into a convoluted process

Just one example of how inefficient the Metro user interface is.

Think Microsoft has done a good job of making the Metro UI in the Windows 8 Consumer Preview easy to use with a mouse and keyboard? Just take a look at how many steps it takes to do something as simple as shut down or reset a PC.
Here are the steps.
First, you take the mouse to the lower-right corner and wait for the on-screen menu tab to appear before clicking on Settings.
Next click on the Power button.
Then you finally get to click on Shut Down or Reset.
This is just one example of how inefficient the Windows 8 Consumer Preview user interface is, compared to the Classic interface where you can accomplish the same thing with two clicks.
Come on Microsoft, are you seriously expecting people to figure this stuff out on their own? And what is it with having to go through so many clicks and mouse movements to get to something as basic as shut down or restart?


  1. WinKey + C shows the left side menu on Windows 8 CP, but seriously, is it necessary to complain to about shutting down the PC?

    I've seen more important things here improved, like memory management, personally I've never been a fan of Windows old Start Menu, I always used Launchy or other kind of software which allows me to launch faster any app I have, and now with the new metro launcher is even faster to run any app, just press WinKey and start typing the initials of your app to see it and hit enter, faster than aiming with the mouse.

    BTW, here in my PC, Windows 8 start blazingly fast, not even 16secs. That's impressive.

  2. And if you're in a hurry to shutdown your PC, hit WinKey+I you will see the Power button.

    There are also other ways to shutdown, sleep etc. An old way, minimize all windows (WinKey+D)and then Alt+F4, there you will see all the options to Switch User, Logout, Hibernate if enabled that feature, shutdown, update and restart.

  3. Or just press the 'off' button on your case?
